воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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What a beautiful weekend.

Friday consisted of a trip home to Salem, a lovely pasta dinner with friends, some Saab cuddling and warheads followed by some dancing in the street, cookie-making for my friends, games, stories, coloring, and the biggest fort of all time with tons of blankets and pillows inside. Thereapos;s nothing like waking up to a toasty fire slowly burning, homemade cookies on a plate beside you, friendship, and a roof made of blankets. Then on Saturday I went to the pumpkin patch, recorded vocals for a folk band of gypsies, ate a lot of soup, played hide and seek in a Wal-Mart until the early hours of morning, found Christmas, and danced and hugged with my best friend in a parking lot (hook in the nook). Today I had band practice, which was quite superb. Those boys write pretty good songs when Iapos;m not around... Who knew? Then I watched Edward Scissorhands and The Graduate at Gabyapos;s in a sea of stuffed animals while drinking tea.

But you know what the best part of this weekend was? I discovered that home is always the best place-

and that true happiness is effortless.

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Excitement strikes

A slew of 13 hostel-folk left the premises at about midnight�(?)�to go to a bar. We came to an outdoor seating area in a plaza, where a few guys and a perro (dog) were kicking around a soccerball.

When some of us joined in and started kicking it too, it soon transformed into a game. Shirts vs no-shirts. Obviously we, the no-shirts, won the game due to decreased wind resistance. We were 2-1 up when the police came to break up the game.

I now know why they play f�tbol (soccer) here in argentina. Because when youapos;re playing an impromptu game in a town plaza at midnight, when the ball hits a spectator you can say "oops, sorry" and play on

Colombian drug vendor showed up on time to supply some cannabis to some of my posse. I slipped away and went back to the hostel, probably not well handled but i want to experience other parts of argentina before the prisons.

Itapos;s still some kind of night time so i think i will sleep Need to go shopping for clothes tomorrow, iapos;m not well camouflaged, my clothes are too flashy i think.

Education status:
Tango: havenapos;t started on that
Guitar: havenapos;t started on that
Spanish: i still speak like tarzan

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This journal will be filled with ramblings of mine since recently, I have realized itapos;s something I love doing online. I love reading other peopleapos;s opinions, journalapos;s, and especially fan fictions. I made my background out of icons that agent0fchaos lovingly puts out for her fans :)

I have a thing about becoming a apos;fan girlapos; towards people I take a fondness to. So I might get annoying, OR if you get easily flattered and like having your ego uppapos;d, you might enjoy my praising dedication towards you. *hugs*

I have an obsession with Harley Quinn The Joker alike. However, Iapos;m like a first year student in Hogwarts (Iapos;d like to be in Hufflepuff) when it comes to learning about The Joker, Harley, and the whole Batman world. I still have A LOT of studying to do. Iapos;ve loved Harley since a little girl from the series, same with The Joker. But I crave TDKapos;s Joker, and currently I want to see the comic book versions too. So Iapos;m open to anyone whoapos;d like to help teach me, guide me, or whatever in this whole genre. I do not, and will not pretend to know things about these characters, since I donapos;t know everything. I do know my fair share of Harley, but The Joker is the one Iapos;m yearning to truly learn about. And I mean ALL forms of him. I will end up writing my discoveries, thoughts opinions on here (if I have enough gutts) on what I learned discovered about any of the Jokers. Heath Ledgerapos;s Joker has to be the one Iapos;m fond of most, so heapos;ll be mentioned the most.

Joker, Harley, Batman or anything related to that wonapos;t just be mentioned here. I might mention my few gutt honest opinions about what goes on in life, and my observations. I love observing human emotions Iapos;m deeply into psychology. I wouldnapos;t say that Iapos;m apos;intelligentapos; worthy, but I do know how to use my nogginapos;. Since Iapos;m a completely timid, vulnerable mute in person, Iapos;m quite open online. :)

Welp, remember, Iapos;m a sweet, nice person. So feel free to message, add, comment, you name it. Alrighty, Iapos;m done rambling. (See? I just proved my rambling point here).



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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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So this weekend was a complete disaster. First, on Friday, I had to wake up at the butt-crack of dawn so I could carpool to work. Then, like an hour or so into work, I got a text from my mom saying that she was taking my car to be put down. My cat. I was maybe 5 or 6 when we found him and he was less than a month old. Needless to say, it was a long ass day on Friday. So that afternoon, I talked to Nick and he was leaving his key for me so I could go to his place after work. I rode home and then hung out for a few minutes, and then drove to Nicks. I let myself in and sat on the couch and just broke down. I couldnapos;t stop crying. And I felt semi-stupid. Iapos;m crying over a cat. But, that cat has been in my life for so long. And he and I have grown up together and weapos;ve been through hell and back with each other. So I went to lay down early at Nickapos;s. He got home around 11, I think. I kind of woke up. I could hear him eating. And then he came and crawled into bed with me and we layed together for bit. And then we got up. We watched tv until maybe 2:30 or so and then we went to bed. We made love. The best itapos;s been in a while and we fell asleep naked and wrapped around each other. He slept late this afternoon. I feel bad sometimes because he doesnapos;t sleep well. I wish he would get his sleep apnea taken care of. It takes so much out of him. So anyway.. He slept late. And then we went to Target and then to get lunch. And then at like 6pm, he comes up to me and goes, "Hey Jordan and I are going to the bar tonight. Iapos;m going to take a power nap before we go out." Iapos;m sitting there like What The Fuck Just Happened? So Iapos;m like what the hell do I do now? Do I just sit here and wait for him to come home? I didnapos;t want to be alone all night. So of course, my impulses got the best of me and I just left. I packed up all my stuff while he took his nap and I left. Did I over-react? I donapos;t know. But now Iapos;m pissed off that Iapos;m here and not with him. I should have stayed. Iapos;m so stupid. But, I stood up for myself. And Iapos;m happy about that.

Oh well...

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Today has got to have been one of the best days ever.

First was the football game which was pretty fun. It was kinda hot outside and it was even hotter with our uniforms on. There were a lot of bees in the stadium too for some reason. There isnapos;t really anything thatapos;ll attract bees at the stadium either. I guess itapos;s near something random that attracts bees that I donapos;t know about. The halftime show was pretty good. Even though we tore in a couple of places we quickly got back together. A lot of people said we did really well which surprised me because I thought it wasnapos;t as good as it couldapos;ve been. The pictures of the show suggest the forms were really clean though. Hereapos;re some:

The pictures really surprised me. Maybe we do have a shot at making a 1 at UIL this year. I really hope so. That would be so awesome.

Later on in the day was the Dynamo game. It was extremely fun being with Ash there. Our seats were over by the Texian Army who are these people that go to every game and cheer the Dynamo on and all that. Itapos;s pretty cool. They have drums and they play them the whole game (not even kidding) and chant along to the drum beat. Ash knew most of them. I was just sitting there clapping along to what they were doing. Ash was really into the game too. It was fun sitting next to a real fan because I get into sports games whenever I know whatapos;s going on. So everytime we scored we stood and cheered. I screamed and clapped. Ash screamed, clapped, jumped, high-fived (yea, you get the picture). The Dynamo beat the Galaxy 3 - 0. It felt good to win, but the Dynamo always win home games and theyapos;re just about Houstonapos;s only good sports team that actually wins championships and games (but more importantly championships). Now I really want a jersey, but theyapos;re kinda expensive. I found one on the internet thatapos;s kinda cheap so I guess Iapos;ll see if I can buy that one. So yea, I had shitloads of fun at the game.

Tomorrow I have loads of homework to do. Fuck.

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Hello Dallas
Well, better things have come, but I refuse to let go of one bad thing in my life. I�donapos;t know if itapos;s me who likes getting hurt, but I try avoiding it as much as possible. I tried avoiding this, I really did. It got as bad as it could for now, and usually this is where Iapos;d give up and forget about him. I could, at this point. I just donapos;t want to.

Thereapos;s someone else, and it has yet to be proven the best thing that couldapos;ve happened to me right now. Yet a big part of me is saying no. I guess Iapos;m too much of a dumbass. I mean, yeah if I move on to someone else, there is still a chance Iapos;ll get hurt. Might as well give it a try, no?

At least Iapos;m not drowning in my big pool of self-pity anymore. I have someone else to talk to when I miss him. Besides, he seems to always pick the best time to call me. Sounds pretty awesome, doesnapos;t it? Of course. I just donapos;t want to get too deep into this, and then realize he was just a rebound all along. Iapos;m pretty sure he isnapos;t, yet itapos;s happened before. I canapos;t afford to confuse myself much more right now.

I hope all is well with you.
Much love

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I havenapos;t done one of these in ages...

1.Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
En 1932, il est charg� de mission au cabinet drsquo;�mile Herriothellip;

2.Stretch your left arm out as far as you can.
Empty space above a chair.

3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
Obama vs. McCain presidential debate.

4. Without looking, guess what time it is:

5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
Ehhellip; 12:29am. I shall sleep soon.

6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?

7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
An hour or so ago, playing with Staceyrsquo;s dogs Truffle and Lucky. They are cute... And warm.

8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
Facebook notes.

9. What are you wearing?
Threadless T-shirt (Biblical Disaster), khaki shorts.

10. Did you dream last night?
Yes. Weird dream with my college friends, a spiral theater, and singing as we cut in line.

11. When did you last laugh?
Today at Interlude, during a jam session with Josh and others.

12. What are on the walls you are in?
many academic achievement certificates or diplomas, a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf.

13. Seen anything weird lately?
The moon was enormous yesterday evening.

14. What do you think of this quiz?

15. What is the last film you saw?
Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie. Also, Jumanji.

16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
the world a coke. Water for Africa.

17. Tell me something about you that I donapos;t know.
Irsquo;m passive-aggressive.

18. If you could change one thing about the world...?
Save it from itself.

19. Do you like to dance?

20. George Bush:
Will be gone soon.

21. Would you ever consider living abroad?
Yes, in France :)

22. What do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
rdquo;Well done, my good and faithful servant.rdquo; ndash; Matthew 25:21

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