пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

apparel fan jersey souvenir throwback

:D I got a Wetworks action figure. The Blood Queen. It was on trade-me. Fucking awesome. I wish I could buy things from overseas =/ Nearly all the Wetworks figures are clearanced at rediculous prices on BBTS. But no, I gotta wait till they show up second hand here. Sigh.

I donapos;t remember how long ago it was since I posted, but I got a few new transformers. Universe Galvatron, G1 Tentakil, Movie Premium Barricade,� Classics Starscream. SS is rather boring, not even tempted to open it. Tentakil is so adorable. He was in pretty bad condition when I got him, but I cleaned him up and fixed up the paint a little.

I spent a week or so at my fathers during the holidays. Damn it was good. He lives with his Girlfriend(of like 8 years now) and her two kids. Her whole family is so close. I have no family where I live. They get together and play Settlers of Catan on Friday nights. Blargh, thereapos;s just so much more closeness than there is here, and I can talk about anything with them. Friday nights here are spent with my drink friends =/ Well some of them. Some I spend alone with my Xbox.

I rented Oblivion last night, because I have this friend who wonapos;t stop raving about it. Thereapos;s elves in it. I hate elves so. And it reminds of of WoW. And the disc freezes alot. Youapos;d think Iapos;d learn and save the game often, no, lost an hour of gameplay today already because it froze. I had this kick ass sword and armor a rock gave to me too. Then the rock went to sleep. Seriously. LOL and this cat thing attacked me, so I killed it. Then looted it. So there is this furry girl on the ground with a cat face in nothing but a bra and underwear. WTF. A furry dream. I knew this game would be stupid.

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